Accessible files
Here you can find all the files which can be edite to make the asset compatible with your server.
Config = {
Core = 'ESX', -- 'ESX' / 'QBCORE' | Other core setting on the 'core' folder.
Inventory = 'ox_inventory', -- 'ox_inventory' / 'qb_inventory' / 'quasar_inventory' / 'chezza_inventory' / 'codem_inventory' / 'core_inventory' // Custom can be add in the cl_utils.lua!!!
TextUI = 'brutal_textui', -- false / 'brutal_textui' / 'ox_lib' / 'okokTextUI' / 'ESXTextUI' / 'QBDrawText' // Custom can be add in the cl_utils.lua!!!
Target = '', -- 'oxtarget' / 'qb-target' // if the TextUI is set to false target will step its place
BrutalNotify = true, -- Buy here: (4€+VAT) | Or set up your own notify >> cl_utils.lua
SteamName = true, -- true = Steam name | false = character name
DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y', -- Date format
UnemployedJob = "unemployed",
HQBlip = {use = true, sprite = 40, color = 32, size = 0.8},
Marker = {marker = 20, bobUpAndDown = true, rotate = false, size = {0.3, 0.2, 0.2}, rgb = {15, 100, 210}},
Commands = {
GangMenu = {
Command = 'gangmenu',
Suggestion = 'To open the gang menu'
GetGangVehicleBack = {
Command = 'getgangvehicleback', -- /getgangvehicleback all | /getgangvehicleback DHR 432
Suggestion = 'To get back your vehicle(s)'
CreateGraffiti = {
Command = 'graffiti',
Suggestion = 'To create a new graffiti',
Item = "spraycan"
CleanGraffiti = {
Command = 'cleangraffiti',
Suggestion = 'To clean a graffiti',
Item = "sprayremover"
-- Admin commands
EditGangs = {
AdminGroups = {'superadmin', 'admin', 'mod', 'god'},
Command = 'editgangs',
Suggestion = 'To edit the gangs'
SetGangLeader = {
AdminGroups = {'superadmin', 'admin', 'mod', 'god'},
Command = 'setgangleader',
Suggestion = 'To set up the gang leader'
Levels = {
[0] = {
maxMembersCount = 6,
vehicles = {amount = 6, price = nil},
stash = {size = 100, price = nil},
ranks = {amount = 3, price = nil},
raid = {available = false, price = nil},
[1] = {
price = {money = 50000, rep = 3750},
maxMembersCount = 12,
vehicles = {amount = 18, price = {money = 15000, rep = 525}},
stash = {size = 200, price = {money = 5000, rep = 175}},
safe = {available = true, size = 20, price = {money = 25000, rep = 875}},
ranks = {amount = 6, price = {money = 0, rep = 650}},
raid = {available = false, price = nil},
[2] = {
price = {money = 150000, rep = 11250},
maxMembersCount = 18,
vehicles = {amount = 30, price = {money = 15000, rep = 525}},
stash = {size = 300, price = {money = 5000, rep = 175}},
safe = {available = true, size = 30, price = {money = 3000, rep = 105}},
ranks = {amount = 9, price = {money = 0, rep = 650}},
raid = {available = true, price = {money = 25000, rep = 875}},
[3] = {
price = {money = 250000, rep = 18750},
maxMembersCount = 24,
vehicles = {amount = 48, price = {money = 15000, rep = 525}},
stash = {size = 400, price = {money = 5000, rep = 175}},
safe = {available = true, size = 40, price = {money = 3000, rep = 105}},
ranks = {amount = 12, price = {money = 0, rep = 650}},
raid = {available = true, price = {money = 25000, rep = 875}},
HQS = {
["ballas"] = {
MapPosition = {
vector2(-36.8547, -1753.4171),
vector2(-61.3669, -1785.3739),
vector2(-21.2381, -1821.4756),
vector2(-50.6818, -1858.8644),
vector2(29.3174, -1930.7737),
vector2(86.4986, -1860.3062),
MiddlePoint = vector3(7.7007, -1816.5464, 25.3697),
HQCanBeCaptured = true,
DefaultCoords = {
Cloakrooms = {
vector3(0.7138, -1819.6553, 29.1527),
Stashes = {
vector3(2.5605, -1817.7943, 29.1526),
BalanceManages = {
vector3(-0.4499, -1809.0541, 29.1527),
Garages = {
open = vector3(11.8271, -1817.3561, 25.2843),
spawn = vector4(13.5363, -1820.2806, 24.7847, 143.9035)
["triads"] = {
MapPosition = {
vector2(-641.1872, -1268.0148),
vector2(-568.8250, -1197.5732),
vector2(-548.0913, -1102.7590),
vector2(-552.4677, -966.7898),
vector2(-624.6595, -969.4564),
vector2(-636.4352, -1035.5703),
vector2(-666.9618, -1072.7643),
vector2(-749.0092, -1121.3713),
MiddlePoint = vector3(-641.7220, -1234.5129, 11.5514),
HQCanBeCaptured = true,
DefaultCoords = {
Cloakrooms = {
vector3(-648.8576, -1229.3621, 11.5516),
Stashes = {
vector3(-652.6179, -1230.2782, 11.5516),
BalanceManages = {
vector3(-644.4189, -1244.2264, 11.5516),
Garages = {
open = vector3(-645.2076, -1221.4576, 11.0470),
spawn = vector4(-644.1460, -1217.9924, 10.8716, 303.2067)
["vagos"] = {
MapPosition = {
vector2(326.2715, -2140.4065),
vector2(248.8809, -2071.6580),
vector2(355.7063, -1947.0470),
vector2(427.0373, -2020.0443),
MiddlePoint = vector3(338.9244, -2042.7440, 21.2988),
HQCanBeCaptured = true,
DefaultCoords = {
Cloakrooms = {
vector3(325.5719, -1999.3409, 24.2077),
Stashes = {
vector3(329.4389, -1998.6117, 24.2077),
BalanceManages = {
vector3(338.2400, -1979.8922, 24.2078),
Garages = {
open = vector3(323.1876, -2017.5780, 21.2353),
spawn = vector4(321.0982, -2021.5391, 20.3820, 141.2121)
["lostmc"] = {
MapPosition = {
vector2(931.9505, -122.5973),
vector2(986.2697, -156.0796),
vector2(1022.2856, -119.8539),
vector2(980.7446, -76.5461),
MiddlePoint = vector3(969.5955, -126.4073, 74.3605),
HQCanBeCaptured = true,
DefaultCoords = {
Cloakrooms = {
vector3(971.9257, -98.7307, 74.8464),
Stashes = {
vector3(986.6417, -92.7903, 74.8459),
BalanceManages = {
vector3(976.9885, -103.8749, 74.8452),
Garages = {
open = vector3(960.9912, -123.2064, 74.3532),
spawn = vector4(961.9102, -125.5999, 74.0335, 134.2543)
["families"] = {
MapPosition = {
vector2(-181.5696, -1765.1079),
vector2(-49.3258, -1607.2705),
vector2(-252.9951, -1444.2129),
vector2(-274.8223, -1535.6073),
vector2(-340.4381, -1653.6207),
vector2(-252.6444, -1706.5421),
MiddlePoint = vector3(-194.6743, -1606.9457, 34.0031),
HQCanBeCaptured = true,
DefaultCoords = {
Cloakrooms = {
vector3(-162.5451, -1612.9545, 33.6494),
Stashes = {
vector3(-164.0853, -1607.2548, 33.6494),
BalanceManages = {
vector3(-163.7477, -1619.0095, 33.6494),
Garages = {
open = vector3(-142.5249, -1631.2947, 32.9337),
spawn = vector4(-138.1050, -1634.1799, 31.8673, 321.9159)
["angels"] = {
MapPosition = {
vector2(1186.1561, -1819.9590),
vector2(1401.5608, -1750.3341),
vector2(1377.2861, -1690.7479),
vector2(1275.9623, -1539.6001),
vector2(1175.1179, -1611.6343),
vector2(1112.2068, -1621.6501),
MiddlePoint = vector3(1252.8992, -1676.1508, 44.0245),
HQCanBeCaptured = true,
DefaultCoords = {
Cloakrooms = {
vector3(1272.4738, -1714.6812, 54.7714),
Stashes = {
vector3(1268.7084, -1710.2638, 54.7714),
BalanceManages = {
vector3(1275.4862, -1710.6750, 54.7714),
Garages = {
open = vector3(1286.8423, -1726.0486, 53.0865),
spawn = vector4(1287.5776, -1728.0398, 52.8059, 114.7845)
Scout = {
MaximumTime = 15, -- in minutes
MinimumOnlineMembers = 1, -- minimum members online to start
Raid = {
Price = {money = 15000, rep = 1750},
MaximumTime = 30, -- in minutes
MinimumOnlineMembers = 1, -- minimum members online to start
CooldownAfterDeath = 10, -- in minutes
StashLooting = {use = true, time = 5}, -- use: true / false | time = 1 = 1min
Limit = 72, -- in hours
Graffiti = {
ShowDistance = 100.0,
MinDistances = 10.0,
MaxGraffitiPerGang = 25,
LimitPerMember = 10, -- in minutes
CleanLimitPerMember = 10, -- in minutes
PlaceReputation = 50,
CleanReputation = 25,
BlacklistedZones = {
{coords = vector3(455.81, -997.04, 43.69), radius = 200.0}, -- Police
{coords = vector3(324.76, -585.72, 59.15), radius = 100.0}, -- Hospital
{coords = vector3(-376.73, -119.47, 40.73), radius = 100.0}, -- Mechanic
Icons = {
{name = "Vagos", prop = "sprays_vagos", png = "Vagos.png"},
{name = "The Mandnem", prop = "sprays_mandem", png = "The_Mandnem.png"},
{name = "The Guild", prop = "sprays_guild", png = "The_Guild.png"},
{name = "Street Team", prop = "sprays_st", png = "Street_Team.png"},
{name = "Seaside", prop = "sprays_seaside", png = "Seaside.png"},
{name = "SCU", prop = "sprays_scu", png = "SCU.png"},
{name = "Rust", prop = "sprays_rust", png = "Rust.png"},
{name = "Ron", prop = "sprays_ron", png = "Ron.png"},
{name = "Ramee", prop = "sprays_ramee", png = "Ramee.png"},
{name = "NBC", prop = "sprays_nbc", png = "NBC.png"},
{name = "Mayhem", prop = "sprays_mayhem", png = "Mayhem.png"},
{name = "Lost MC", prop = "sprays_lost", png = "Lost_MC.png"},
{name = "Kingz", prop = "sprays_kingz", png = "Kingz.png"},
{name = "Hydra", prop = "sprays_hydra", png = "Hydra.png"},
{name = "Hoa", prop = "sprays_hoa", png = "Hoa.png"},
{name = "Gulag Gang", prop = "sprays_gg", png = "Gulag_Gang.png"},
{name = "GSF", prop = "sprays_gsf", png = "GSF.png"},
{name = "Chang Gang", prop = "sprays_cg", png = "Chang_Gang.png"},
{name = "Cerberus", prop = "sprays_cerberus", png = "Cerberus.png"},
{name = "BSK", prop = "sprays_bsk", png = "BSK.png"},
{name = "Bondi Boys MC", prop = "sprays_bcf", png = "Bondi_Boys_Mc.png"},
{name = "BCF", prop = "sprays_bcf", png = "BCF.png"},
{name = "Ballas", prop = "sprays_ballas", png = "Ballas.png"},
{name = "Angels", prop = "sprays_angels", png = "Angels.png"},
Tasks = {
["drug"] = {
Description = "In the Narcotics Heist, steal a drug shipment from a cartel and sell it before they catch you.",
TimeToCompletion = 20, -- in minutes
TimeToRestart = 1440, -- in minutes
Reward = {money = {min = 5000, max = 20000}, rep = {min = 250, max = 1000}},
VanPosition = {
Van = vector4(-463.3471, -63.0104, 44.2518, 218.4606),
Guards = {
{model = "g_m_y_korean_02", coords = vector4(-459.7697, -62.7800, 44.5134, 42.0405), weapon = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE"},
{model = "g_m_y_korean_01", coords = vector4(-468.8365, -62.5431, 44.5134, 345.1089), weapon = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE"},
{model = "g_m_y_mexgoon_03", coords = vector4(-459.6652, -56.9242, 44.5134, 75.7623), weapon = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE"},
Van = vector4(155.0316, -1233.0797, 28.9633, 254.9915),
Guards = {
{model = "g_m_y_korean_02", coords = vector4(149.0482, -1230.9833, 29.1985, 223.3919), weapon = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE"},
{model = "g_m_y_korean_01", coords = vector4(147.3018, -1232.9353, 29.1985, 250.9159), weapon = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE"},
{model = "g_m_y_mexgoon_03", coords = vector4(146.1674, -1235.1293, 29.1985, 255.9488), weapon = "WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE"},
EndingPoint = {
MainCoords = vector3(1162.4951, -1496.4705, 34.4312),
CustomersVehicle = vector4(1158.1821, -1490.3347, 34.4314, 2.1476),
Customers = {
{model = "g_m_y_mexgoon_03", coords = vector4(1156.4387, -1493.8158, 33.6925, 239.6427)},
{model = "g_m_y_mexgang_01", coords = vector4(1159.7421, -1493.9291, 33.6925, 142.1639)},
MainCoords = vector3(676.3511, -2648.5149, 5.8198),
CustomersVehicle = vector4(668.6371, -2655.3589, 5.8093, 152.9441),
Customers = {
{model = "g_m_y_mexgoon_03", coords = vector4(671.9014, -2653.2356, 5.0812, 15.0290)},
{model = "g_m_y_mexgang_01", coords = vector4(668.8821, -2651.4241, 5.0812, 286.6457)},
["disposalofthebody"] = {
Description = "You must discreetly get rid of evidence by disposing of a body without leaving any trace for law enforcement.",
TimeToCompletion = 20, -- in minutes
TimeToRestart = 1440, -- in minutes
Reward = {money = {min = 10000, max = 15000}, rep = {min = 500, max = 800}},
VanPosition = {
{coords = vector4(679.8264, 68.4786, 83.2498, 182.2196)},
DeadBodyPosition = {
{coords = vector3(-1077.0720, 712.9972, 163.4137), heading = 127.0},
EndingPoint = {
MainCoords = vector3(67.0433, -2755.7847, 6.0046),
Boat = {model = 'tropic', coords = vector4(8.6673, -2797.2100, 0.2756, 181.5510)},
ThrowPoint = vector3(-250.7096, -4219.0371, -3.2772),
["homeless"] = {
Description = "You must abduct a target from the streets without drawing attention from bystanders or authorities.",
TimeToCompletion = 20, -- in minutes
TimeToRestart = 1440, -- in minutes
Reward = {money = {min = 6000, max = 12000}, rep = {min = 450, max = 1350}},
HomelessPedPosition = {
{coords = vector3(18.5995, -1228.6848, 28.4795), heading = 280.0},
{coords = vector3(357.6796, -835.1513, 28.2916), heading = 176.0},
{coords = vector3(-517.6873, -865.7912, 28.5060), heading = 280.0},
EndingPoint = {
MainCoords = vector3(1377.6155, -747.5517, 66.47),
CustomersVehicle = {model = 'dubsta2', coords = vector4(1386.2517, -742.9697, 67.2858, 339.2372)},
Customers = {
{model = "g_m_y_mexgang_01", coords = vector4(1387.3867, -745.9840, 66.1903, 90.7682)},
{model = "g_m_y_mexgoon_03", coords = vector4(1383.4774, -744.2767, 66.1852, 151.0328)},
MainCoords = vector3(-1157.2125, -1454.5078, 3.4823),
CustomersVehicle = {model = 'dubsta2', coords = vector4(-1155.9701, -1462.3113, 4.3237, 125.4273)},
Customers = {
{model = "g_m_y_mexgoon_03", coords = vector4(-1151.7054, -1462.2007, 3.4187, 20.5159)},
{model = "g_m_y_mexgang_01", coords = vector4(-1156.8384, -1460.3912, 3.3861, 311.5188)},
["assassination"] = {
Description = "You must eliminate a high-value target quickly and discreetly, leaving no witnesses behind.",
TimeToCompletion = 20, -- in minutes
TimeToRestart = 1440, -- in minutes
Reward = {money = {min = 7500, max = 30000}, rep = {min = 250, max = 1150}},
TargetPedPosition = {
{startcoords = vector3(-332.3789, -672.7446, 32.3814), finishcoords = vector3(304.8678, -740.3984, 29.3166)},
{startcoords = vector3(553.8753, 152.7980, 99.2896), finishcoords = vector3(-239.1566, 244.2611, 92.0406)},
{startcoords = vector3(-1274.0237, 315.4701, 65.5117), finishcoords = vector3(-1392.7247, -299.2366, 43.6122)},
EndingPoint = {
MainCoords = vector3(265.9774, 3178.4739, 41.6437),
Customers = {
{model = "g_m_y_mexgoon_03", coords = vector4(260.6587, 3178.2278, 41.7484, 283.4235)},
MainCoords = vector3(1534.0110, 6328.8813, 23.4418),
Customers = {
{model = "g_m_y_mexgoon_03", coords = vector4(1538.7380, 6324.4023, 23.0684, 37.5559)},
-----------------------| TRANSLATE |-----------------------
MoneyForm = '$', -- Money form
Locales = {
CurrencyForm = "USD",
ReputationForm = "REP",
DefaultGradeName = "Member",
MemberRankName = "Member",
LeaderRankName = "Leader",
Cloakrooms = "Cloakroom",
Stashes = "Stash",
BalanceManages = "Balance Manage",
Garages = "Garage",
Safe = "Safe",
Vehicles = "Vehicles",
VehiclesDescription = "With this upgrade you can store more cars in the gang garage.",
Stash = "Stash",
StashDescription = "This upgrade will increase the storage capacity of the stash.",
MaxRanks = "Max Ranks",
MaxRanksDescription = "With this upgrade the gang leader can create more ranks.",
Raid = "Raid",
RaidDescription = "With this upgrade your gang will be able to start a raid against another gang.",
Safe = "Safe",
SafeDescription = "With this upgrade you get a safe that only special gang members can access.",
SafeDescription2 = "This upgrade will increase the storage capacity of the safe.",
CoordsEditingText = "~y~Press ~INPUT_CELLPHONE_SELECT~ to set the new coords.~w~\nPress ~INPUT_CELLPHONE_CANCEL~ to ~r~cancel~w~ the process.",
TaskStart = "Task Start",
Blips = {
HQ = "HQ",
Safe = "Safe",
Vehicle = "Vehicle",
House = "House",
Port = "Port",
Boat = "Boat",
Drop = "Drop",
Company = "Company",
DrugSelling = "Drug Selling",
Money = "Get Money",
Homeless = "Homeless",
MeetingPoint = "Meeting point",
Target = "Target",
Texts = {
[1] = {'[E] - Dress Menu', 38, 'Open the dress menu', 'fa-solid fa-person-half-dress'},
[2] = {'[E] - Stash Menu', 38, 'Open the stash menu', 'fa-solid fa-box-open'},
[3] = {'[E] - Garage Menu', 38, 'Open the garage menu', 'fa-solid fa-warehouse'},
[4] = {'[E] - Vehicle storage', 38, 'To storage the vehicle', 'fa-solid fa-car'},
[5] = {'[E] - Safe Menu', 38, 'Open the safe menu', 'fa-solid fa-shield'},
[6] = {'[E] - Balance Manage', 38, 'Open the balance menu', 'fa-solid fa-coins'},
[7] = {'[E] - Continue the task', 38},
[8] = {'[E] - Start the task', 38},
-- Notify function EDITABLE >> cl_utils.lua
Notify = {
[1] = {"Gangs", "You're too far!", 5000, "error"},
[2] = {"Gangs", "The job already exists!", 5000, "error"},
[3] = {"Gangs", "You don't have permission to do this.", 5000, "error"},
[4] = {"Gangs", "You've successfully invited a new member!", 5000, "success"},
[5] = {"Gangs", "You've been successfully added to a gang!", 5000, "success"},
[6] = {"Gangs", "You've kicked them out of the gang!", 5000, "success"},
[7] = {"Gangs", "You've been kicked out of the gang!", 5000, "info"},
[8] = {"Gangs", "Invalid Gang!", 5000, "error"},
[9] = {"Gangs", "S/he is already a leader!", 5000, "error"},
[10] = {"Gangs", "You have successfully added a new leader!", 5000, "success"},
[11] = {"Gangs", "You're a gang leader now!", 5000, "info"},
[12] = {"Gangs", "Invalid Player ID!", 5000, "error"},
[13] = {"Gangs", "This rank already exists!", 5000, "error"},
[14] = {"Gangs", "You've successfully created the new rank!", 5000, "success"},
[15] = {"Gangs", "You've deleted the selected rank!", 5000, "success"},
[16] = {"Gangs", "Before deleting make sure that nobody have this rank!", 5000, "error"},
[17] = {"Gangs", "For example: /setgangleader [id] [job]", 5000, "error"},
[18] = {"Gangs", "Successfully update!", 5000, "success"},
[19] = {"Gangs", "There isn't enough money for that!", 5000, "error"},
[20] = {"Gangs", "You can't turn this vehicle into a gang car because it's not yours!", 7000, "error"},
[21] = {"Gangs", "The vehicle is not in the garage!", 5000, "error"},
[22] = {"Gangs", "You've got it back:", 5000, "success"},
[23] = {"Gangs", "No vehicle to get back!", 5000, "error"},
[24] = {"Gangs", "Upgrade needed for this action!", 5000, "error"},
[25] = {"Gangs", "Another vehicle occupies the space!", 5000, "error"},
[26] = {"Gangs", "S/he is already a member of the group!", 5000, "error"},
[27] = {"Gangs", "Fill in all the fields!", 5000, "error"},
[28] = {"Gangs", "You cannot delete it!", 5000, "error"},
[29] = {"Gangs", "You're too far from the middle of hq!", 5000, "error"},
[30] = {"Gangs", "This HQ is already in use!", 5000, "error"},
[31] = {"Gangs", "Invalid HQ! The hq isn't defined in the config!", 5000, "error"},
[32] = {"Gangs", "Successful pin!", 5000, "success"},
[33] = {"Gangs", "Your rank has been changed to:", 5000, "info"},
[34] = {"Gangs", "The rank's name must be between 3-12 characters!", 5000, "error"},
[35] = {"Gangs", "You have already reached today's limit!", 5000, "error"},
[36] = {"Gangs", "You've successfully started!", 5000, "success"},
[37] = {"Gangs", "You cannot start it right now!", 5000, "error"},
[38] = {"Gangs", "New level of gang:", 5000, "success"},
[39] = {"Gangs", "There isn't that much money available in the safe!", 5000, "error"},
[40] = {"Gangs", "You don't have enough money!", 5000, "error"},
[41] = {"Gangs", "Your gang is under attack!", 5000, "info"},
[42] = {"Gangs", "You have successfully deleted the job!", 5000, "success"},
[43] = {"Gangs", "You cannot put graffiti on this place.", 5000, "error"},
[44] = {"Gangs", "Someone has already put graffiti nearby.", 5000, "error"},
[45] = {"Gangs", "You have reached maximum graffiti in the team!", 5000, "error"},
[46] = {"Gangs", "There is no near graffiti!", 5000, "error"},
[47] = {"Gangs", "You do not have the necessary item!", 5000, "error"},
[48] = {"Gangs", "You have to get out of the car!", 5000, "error"},
[49] = {"Gangs", "You have to park your car here!", 5000, "error"},
[50] = {"Gangs", "You failed!", 5000, "error"},
[51] = {"Gangs", "For example: /setgangleader [job] [player id]", 5000, "error"},
[52] = {"Gangs", "No drugs on your hands!", 5000, "error"},
[53] = {"Gangs", "The gang name and label must be at least 3 characters long!", 5000, "error"},
[54] = {"Gangs", "You have successfully created the job!", 5000, "success"},
[55] = {"Gangs", "You have successfully saved it!", 5000, "success"},
[56] = {"Gangs", "The task has failed!", 5000, "error"},
[57] = {"Gangs", "There is already a task in progress!", 5000, "error"},
[58] = {"Gangs", "The selected task is already in use!", 5000, "error"},
[59] = {"Gangs", "You have successfully completed the task!", 5000, "success"},
[60] = {"Gangs", "You can only graffiti every 10 minutes! Try again later!", 5000, "error"},
[61] = {"Gangs", "You can only clean graffiti every 10 minutes!", 5000, "error"},
[62] = {"Gangs", "They all must die!", 5000, "error"},
[63] = {"Gangs", "The vehicle must be empty!", 5000, "error"},
[64] = {"Gangs", "There must be a vehicle near!", 5000, "error"},
[65] = {"Gangs", "Catch the homeless man!", 5000, "info"},
[66] = {"Gangs", "Already in progress!", 5000, "error"},
[67] = {"Gangs", "No spaces in the gang name!", 5000, "error"},
TaskMessages = {
TaskStarted = "TASK STARTED",
NextPart = "NEXT PART",
TaskCompleted = "TASK COMPLETED",
Warning = '<span style="color:red;">WARNING</span>',
Success = '<span style="color:lightgreen;">SUCCESS</span>',
Failed = '<span style="color:red;">FAILED</span>',
Info = '<span style="color:lightblue;">INFORMATION</span>',
Scout = "Watch your enemies to get information about them!",
Scout2 = "You have successfully got the data on them!",
Scout3 = "The task could not be completed in time!",
Raid1 = "Stay on the enemy's HQ until time runs out!",
Raid2 = "Defend your HQ and kill your enemies!",
Raid3 = "You've lost the raid!",
Raid4 = "You've won the raid!",
StashLoot1 = "STASH LOOT",
StashLoot2 = "Now you can loot out the enemy's stash",
DriveTo = "Drive to the designated place!",
BodyDisposal1 = "Break the car!",
BodyDisposal2 = "Drive to the location and pick up the body!",
BodyDisposal3 = "Put it in the car!",
BodyDisposal4 = "Go to the port!",
BodyDisposal5 = "Get the body bag out of the trunk!",
BodyDisposal6 = "Put the body bag in the boat!",
BodyDisposal7 = "Drop the body in the water at the designated place!",
BodyDisposal8 = "Go back to the port!",
BodyDisposal9 = "Let's go back to the starting point!",
Drug1 = "Steal the van full of drugs!",
Drug2 = "Go to your customers!",
Drug3 = "Move the drugs to the other car.",
Drug4 = "Pick up the money from the customer!",
Homeless1 = "Catch and put the homeless man in the trunk!",
Homeless2 = "Go to your customers!",
Homeless3 = "Put the homeless man in the customer's trunk!",
Homeless4 = "Pick up the money from the customer!",
Assassination1 = "Kill the target without getting close!",
Assassination2 = "Put the body on your shoulders!",
Assassination3 = "Put the body in the trunk!",
Assassination4 = "Go to your customers!",
Assassination5 = "Drop the body!",
Assassination6 = "Pick up the money from the customer!",
Webhooks = {
Locale = {
['editGangDatas1'] = "⌛ Gang details updated...",
['gangCreation1'] = "🆕 New gang has been created...",
['gangDeleted1'] = "🆕 Gang has been deleted...",
['scout1'] = "🔍 They got the data from another gang...",
['raidStart1'] = "⚔️ Raid has started...",
['raidEnd1'] = "⚔️ Raid has ended...",
['editGangDatas2'] = "edited the gang's data.",
['gangCreation2'] = "created a new gang.",
['gangDeleted2'] = "deleted a gang.",
['scout2'] = "started the scouting...",
['raidStart2'] = "started a raid...",
['Identifier'] = "Identifier",
['GangName'] = "Gang Name",
['GangLabel'] = "Gang Label",
['Balance'] = "Balance",
['Reputation'] = "Reputation Points",
['Status'] = "Status 📈",
['Enemy'] = "Enemy 😈",
['TargetGang'] = "Target Gang",
['Table'] = "Table",
['Lost'] = "LOST",
['Won'] = "WON",
['Time'] = "Time ⏲️"
-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that -
Colors = {
['editGangDatas1'] = 3093151,
['gangCreation1'] = 3145375,
['gangDeleted1'] = 16121856,
['scout1'] = 3145375,
['raidStart1'] = 3145375,
['raidEnd1'] = 5845663,
-- Buy here: (4€+VAT)
function notification(title, text, time, type)
if Config.BrutalNotify then
exports['brutal_notify']:SendAlert(title, text, time, type)
-- Put here your own notify and set the Config.BrutalNotify to false
-- Default ESX Notify:
--TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', text)
-- Default QB Notify:
--TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', text, 'info', 5000)
-- OKOK Notify:
-- exports['okokNotify']:Alert('POLICE JOB',title, text, time, type, false)
function TextUIFunction(type, text)
if type == 'open' then
if Config.TextUI:lower() == 'ox_lib' then
elseif Config.TextUI:lower() == 'okoktextui' then
exports['okokTextUI']:Open(text, 'darkblue', 'right')
elseif Config.TextUI:lower() == 'esxtextui' then
elseif Config.TextUI:lower() == 'qbdrawtext' then
elseif Config.TextUI:lower() == 'brutal_textui' then
exports['brutal_textui']:Open(text, "blue")
elseif type == 'hide' then
if Config.TextUI:lower() == 'ox_lib' then
elseif Config.TextUI:lower() == 'okoktextui' then
elseif Config.TextUI:lower() == 'esxtextui' then
elseif Config.TextUI:lower() == 'qbdrawtext' then
elseif Config.TextUI:lower() == 'brutal_textui' then
function InventoryOpenFunction(type, job, size)
if type == 'stash' then
if Config.Inventory:lower() == 'ox_inventory' then
exports.ox_inventory:openInventory('stash', { id = "stash_"..job})
elseif Config.Inventory:lower() == 'qb_inventory' then
TriggerServerEvent("inventory:server:OpenInventory", "stash", "stash_"..job, { label = Config.Locales.Stashes, maxweight = size*1000, slots = 100 })
TriggerEvent("inventory:client:SetCurrentStash", "stash_"..job)
elseif Config.Inventory:lower() == 'quasar_inventory' then
TriggerServerEvent("inventory:server:OpenInventory", "stash"